The World of Anora
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The Elves of Anora

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The Elves of Anora Empty The Elves of Anora

Post by Admin Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:37 am

The Elves of Anora

At one point in time there were stories of Elves that traveled the world over. They didn’t hide in the shadows, well mostly they didn’t. They were a flourishing community among the humans. They had cities that marveled in everything, from advanced science and magic. They shared it with the world. It wasn’t until the war began that they began to pull away from the humans. It was a devastating war that left the survivors untrusting of the human race. Their leaders came together with the rest of the leaders of the mythical, the fae, the magical world and together they created Anora. The leaders left teachings behind, families, students, their lives when they set out to make Anora and like all the rest of the leaders, they too were lost to the magic that it cost to seperate the two places.

Below is what is left of the Elves and their races. What they have learned and discovered over the thousands of years. How they have become and evolved into what they are now is something to be discovered. Come with me on this intriguing, wild adventurous path to discover all there is about the Elves of Anora today.


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The Elves of Anora Empty Re: The Elves of Anora

Post by Admin Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:38 am

High Elves

The High Elves are what is left of the grand city of Elves that survived the war from the Human World. High in the mountains, they helped to build monuments to their leaders throughout all of Anora. Their grand city lies under Merlin’s Monument, the mountain given its name based on the monument itself. Their city stretches far into the mountain itself and though it seems as the city itself resides outside of the mountain resting against it, much more of it can be found inside the earth.

Personality: The High Elves are a stuck up and snooty race of Elves, believing that their way is the only way an Elf should live. Mount Merlin was built around this source of raw magic, that they have harnessed in ways unbeknown to others. In this they have taught the Merfolk of this island how to use the magic. The grand capital of all that is Anora revolves around the High Elves and their magically rich lives and they aren’t shy in saying so. Their abilities and research lead to the magical find of portals. Magical gateways that can connect cities to other islands across Anora. (Did they do it alone? They certainly believe they alone did this and no one will tell them differently)

Strengths: High Elves are able to use the raw magic around THEIR city with an unknown amount of potential. It isn’t uncommon to see them researching and finding more ways to discover and use the magic in new ways. It is often said that on a quiet day one can hear the explosions of several experiments gone wrong and that the sounds could almost sound like music traveling through the City.

Weaknesses: They don’t often travel, nor do they have the mindset that anyone is better than they are. They have taught everyone on this island how to use this magic, they are the experts. Stuck in their city life, very few have travelled elsewhere, those that have, come back not to long after. Many say it is because they are uncustomed to travel.

Relationships with other Elves:
Woodland Elves: Savage untamed brethren
Snow Elves: Are they still alive?
Sun Elves: Hippy folk of the sun
Moon Elves: Hippy folk of the moon
Night Elves: Heathen’s of our race
Halflings: Let’s deny their existence

Last edited by Admin on Sun Jul 01, 2018 2:08 pm; edited 3 times in total


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The Elves of Anora Empty Re: The Elves of Anora

Post by Admin Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:39 am

Woodland Elves

The Woodland Elves are a small community of elves that kept to their ways of living off the land and working with the ecosystem around them to keep everything in balance. They know of the world around them in every way that one can. From the way the plants grow, to what the animals need to survive and thrive. They take only what they need from the land around them always giving back to one another. They do not believe that anyone is better than the next. They must all work to keep Anora a safe and thriving place for all.

Personality: If the High Elves are the stuck up and snooty Elvish people than it goes without saying that the Woodland Elves are the heart of the Elves. They never put themselves above any other living creature. They venture far and wide from their home island to search out other ecosystems that are in need of balance. They are the voice of love and harmony among their kind.

Strengths: Woodland Elves are able to speak to the magical creatures in ways unknown to any other Elvish civilization here in Anora. They are kind, heartfelt and a quite people. Their magic revolves around healing the lands and the animals, working through complications to make an island work for all of its inhabitants. Though their magic only works for healing purposes and quite possibly for communication purposes with the animals of Anora, they have mastered Ranger like abilities.

Weaknesses: Not quite logical in the way they do things, their reasonings come from their emotions. They have little magic that helps them in anyway to protect themselves.

Relationships with other Elves:
High Elves: Stuck up and Self Centered
Snow Elves: Beautiful Creatures that perhaps don't exist any longer?
Sun Elves: Anora's Healers
Moon Elves: Mystical Art
Night Elves: Can we please pretend they don't exist?
Halfling Elves: These poor souls weren't asked to be brought into this world as they are. Let's pity and help them.


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The Elves of Anora Empty Re: The Elves of Anora

Post by Admin Mon Jul 09, 2018 2:09 pm

The Sun & Moon Elves

The Sun and Moon elves, though different in their strengths, are two sides of the same coin. One cannot exist without the other. When one suffers a problem, the other is plagued with the effects. For example, if an eclipse moves over Anora, the Moon Elves are strengthened, and the Sun Elves weakened. The same is said if the tables are reversed. The two races are not born into that specific race. An Elf born among these people, when at full maturity and have successfully conquered their right of passage, are given the choice to decide if they want to be a Moon Elf or a Sun Elf. As they grow among the communities of the Sun and Moon, they are given free reign to live and learn among both separate races, so that when their time comes, they can unmistakably decide which side of the coin they wish to serve.

Sun Elves

Personality: Highly Energetic, it’s as if they use the energy from the Sun to fire their insides. Everything they do is filled with passion the size of the sun. (At least in their eyes) They are your healers of  Anora. Travelling like Gypsy's across the islands in search of those that need them.

Strengths: The Sun grants them the strength that they have to heal those around them. They are at their strongest when they are on their home island Land of Light.

Weaknesses: When the sun goes down, the Sun Elves loose their abilities. The prefer to sleep during the night as well, because it drains on their bodies.

Abilities: Healers.

Relationships with other Elves:
High Elves: They pay their bills.
Woodland Elves: Healers of the Land
               Snow Elves: Stories of the Past
Moon Elves: Brother from another Mother, Sister from another Mister.
Night Elves: Some day we will heal their hearts
Halfling Elves: What about them?

Moon Elves

Personality: Extremely calm, mellow going even.

Strengths: Able to draw their mystical powers from the secrets of the moon. They are at their strongest when on their home isle of Silver Lands

Weaknesses: Like their Sun brethren, the Moon Elves loose their abilities to draw on the Mystical powers when there is no moon available for them.

Abilities: IE:Fortune Tellers/Palm Readers/Card Readers-Connections to Mystical Arts

Relationships with other Elves:
High Elves: They pay their bills.
Woodland Elves: Healers of the Land
               Snow Elves: Stories of the Past
Moon Elves: Brother from another Mother, Sister from another Mister.
Night Elves: Some day we will read a good future from them.
Halfling Elves: What about them?


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Join date : 2018-04-09

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